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The digital transformation of manufacturing: Why digital learning is crucial
juin 16, 2022

Wherever you look, people are talking about digital transformation. Companies, governments, and other organizations of all sizes want to know how they can use digital tools to improve the way they do business. One industry that is getting plenty of attention in the discussion on digital transformation is manufacturing. This article explains why adopting digital learning strategies will bring a positive change through the organization, from cutting costs and improving processes to increasing efficiency and productivity as well as improving skills and knowledge of employees through e-learning initiatives .

Digital Learning – Automation, Collaboration and Flexibility

The manufacturing industry has always been at the forefront of innovations in technology. The advanced use of automation, information sharing and collaboration leads to huge gains in productivity and efficiency. In that way, manufacturing businesses make sure they stay ahead of competition while remaining fully responsive to changes in demand. But with e-learning, businesses can finally become truly adaptive too – both to internal changes as well as external market trends. This kind of flexibility will give manufacturers a decisive edge over their competitors who are still focused on traditional teaching methods alone. In addition, e-learning can play a big role in reducing costs associated with training sessions and travel expenses by removing employees from work schedules for long periods when they need training – whether it’s technical knowledge or soft skills like communication or conflict resolution capabilities.

7 Steps to improve your digital learning

It’s imperative to bring about a positive change through your organization and you can achieve that by following these steps. 

First, change your leadership style from command-and-control to mentoring. 

Second, make learning an integral part of everything you do. 

Third, aim for customer centricity and make sure employees are aligned with your customer’s interests and goals. 

Fourth, develop a culture that empowers people to learn new skills on their own time. 

Fifth, consider replacing traditional classrooms with virtual environments so that training can happen whenever it works best for employees—including when they’re at home or in transit. 

Sixth, look into ways that virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can improve training programs across multiple industries. 

Seventh, automate everything you can so that employees have more time to learn new skills.

Digital Transformation through an LMS Solution

LMS solutions can bring about a lot of positive change to an organization, helping to reduce costs and boost productivity. Of course, it’s important that employees are trained in a variety of formats, including e-learning courses. These courses will help employees learn how to best use their new software or devices as well as train them on other new tools. Overall, LMS solutions are an excellent way for manufacturing organizations to achieve maximum potential through digital transformation. An effective LMS solution should be able to offer e-learning courses at different levels throughout your organization. 

Skillup is a corporate learning and development solution that can ensure your digital transition is a success. To learn more about how Skillup can help your teams perform at their best, schedule a live demo now.

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