SkillUp MENA’s Learning Path

We support businesses, especially Learning and Development teams, in creating customizable learning paths for their employees, their departments or the organization at large.
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Why Implement a Learning Path?

Employees can clearly evaluate their development thanks to a well-mapped learning pathway. As employees advance through each level of their learning experience, it also empowers them with a sense of satisfaction with their success. When orgnanizations want to include learning pathways in their workplace for upskilling initiatives, SkillUpMENA comes into play. SkillUpMENA will assist departments in implementing the necessary learning path by utilizing its resources, content hub, LMS, and many other tools.

Benefits Of A Learning Path

SkillUp MENA offers a consultant who will assist businesses throughout
the entire learning path creation phase with no additional cost.

Increases Employee Retention

Employees tend to stay loyal in an organization that offers them growth and development. With the right learning path for each, employees will feel valued and growing everyday which will give them a reason to stay.

Increases Employee Retention

Employees tend to stay loyal in an organization that offers them growth and development. With the right learning path for each, employees will feel valued and growing everyday which will give them a reason to stay.

Upskilling employees’ workforce

Employees will be more productive if they follow the right learning path and are properly onboarded, allowing them to develop their skills and excel in their roles.

Upskilling employees’ workforce

Employees will be more productive if they follow the right learning path and are properly onboarded, allowing them to develop their skills and excel in their roles.

Time Saving

Employees who are more developed and have broader knowledge will be able to complete a task efficiently and effectively due to a better understanding.

Time Saving

Employees who are more developed and have broader knowledge will be able to complete a task efficiently and effectively due to a better understanding.

Increases Revenue

It is a logical cycle that states when employees excel in their jobs and produce excellent results in less time, customers are more satisfied and loyal, which increases company revenue.

Increases Revenue

It is a logical cycle that states when employees excel in their jobs and produce excellent results in less time, customers are more satisfied and loyal, which increases company revenue.

Easily Create & Customize the
Right Learning Path

Designing the right learning path will provide a place for employees to track progress toward learning objectives.
It will also guide employees toward specific learning goals and give them a good sense of empowerment.
Step 1
Step 1

Analyze your employees’ training needs

Managers should use this step to consider their employees’ goals and identify what skills and knowledge they currently lack in order to achieve these goals.
Step 2
Step 2

Define Your Learning Goals

Managers should use this step to formulate their employees’ goals and break down attitudes, skills, and knowledge into development stages in order to achieve these goals.
Step 3
Step 3

Create Steps and Milestones

The adopted learning path must include steps and milestones that will allow employees to feel motivated and enjoy the process. It should not be regarded as a pressure or a task that must be completed.
Step 4
Step 4

Implement and monitor your learning path

After designing and implementing a learning path, managers should monitor its performance and seek feedback from employees.

While at it, always consider the main features to have in your learning path:

  • Consider different learning styles
  • The shorter, the better
  • Customize based on your industry

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